Quality policy

The Management set the goal of monitoring the commitment to build a company policy capable of generating continuous improvements as a strategy that arises from a corporate culture oriented towards transparency.


  • to define and document the commitments and responsibilities within the Organization;
  • to communicate this Policy to all interested parties and ensure that it is understood, implemented and supported at all the levels of the organization;
  • to verify the achievement of the objectives and set the appropriate corrective actions;
  • to select the best suppliers and put them in the condition, through the support of exact documentation, to supply us according to our needs.

The Management identifies the following Quality Policy, which must be pursued by the organization:

  • to respect the laws in force and the contractual terms;
  • to comply with the standards self adopted and the documents defined by the Organization (manuals, procedures, instructions, etc.);
  • to ensure knowledge and understanding of its policies to all interested parties;
  • to offer a complete, efficient and reliable service;
  • to increase the profitability of the company;
  • to increase the turnover in a sosteinable way;
  • to manage human resources in compliance with the criteria of transparency, ethics and social responsibility;
  • to equip itself with sufficient instrumental resources to fill the needs and improve the working environment, the health and the safety of all its workers;
  • to manage the safety risk of operators, associated with the activities to be performed;
  • to promote the training and updating of all the workers in order to tune the skills to the assigned tasks and qualification requirements;
  • to improve its own structure, aiming at low bureaucracy, high dynamism, enhancement and awareness of available human resources;
  • to implement a process approach, promoting risk and opportunity analysis (risk-based thinking);
  • to establish lasting relationships with suppliers and partners;
  • to improve resposability of all the internal and external collaborators for the quality of their work;
  • to aim at the continuous improvement of quality;
  • to deal with reports, complaints and appeals from customers and suppliers;
  • to measure the degree of application and effectiveness of the Quality System;
  • to define and periodically check the objectives for quality and improvement plans.

The following specific objectives arise from the Quality Policy:

  • implement and certify the QMS pursuant to the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard, involving the staff;
  • monitor and continuously improve the processes managed by the Quality System;
  • automate business processes;
  • promote staff training activities, in order to adapt skills to the assigned tasks, as an indispensable tool for company and individual growth;
  • acquire the best economically accessible technologies;
  • periodically check and update the Policy, the general objectives and the related strategies for Quality;
  • carry out marketing actions, both in Italy and abroad;
  • increase the visibility of the company through social networks;
  • monitor the implementation of the COVID-19 protocol.

The Organization’s objectives can only be achieved with the full and active commitment of all the involved people.